The importance of truly strategic communication is too often underestimated. Done well communications can support the delivery of clear and credible strategy and foster a positive culture where employees are clear on their part in the organisation’s wider goals.
I can help you ensure your corporate strategy and priorities can be clearly embedded and create a clear narrative for staff, stakeholders and the public.
I can work with you to update existing plans or strategies or start afresh on something new.
Well-trained media spokespeople will be vital in getting your organisation heard and understood. A well-handled interview can ensure people understand the decisions you have made, even if they are difficult ones.
I can create bespoke packages to give Board members, executives or political spokespeople the tools and training to get the message right first time.
I can work with you on content that makes sense for your organisation and provide training and resources for TV, radio and print interviews.
Sometimes things don’t go the way we expect. In any organisation there are times when we need to explain, apologise or put things right.
I can support you in getting the message right even at the hardest times. I can be brought in for when extra support is required and stay with you for as long as as is needed.
I can also work with you on preparatory planning for crisis communications either generally or on specific issues that might arise.
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Cover image @Pavilosa Photography